Featured Products

Pukka Tea


Dun Bakery

Flahavans flapjacks

   Lillys Eco Clean

Blue Butterfly Coffee

Keoghs Crisps


Cully & Sully soups

The Apple Farm

The Hoffmann Method

Down to earth

Newey and Bloomer Kettles

Who we are

Our Vision at Cafe Blip, the Better League for International Peace, is to see the end of all wars of aggression between nations and that all people become better stewards of the natural environment of their nation, for the sake of all life on earth.

Our contribution to this Vision is as a Cafe, presenting and celebrating local craft foods and drinks producers. We are a place where people meet and where peace, through civil, reasonable and rational dialogue, is promoted.

Nobody is just anybody and everybody is somebody at

Cafe Blip

Come as you are and share our Vision. All are welcome.